Repair. Refresh. Clean. Declutter. Organize.

Lebanon’s favorite Handy Mom is for everyone, but I specialize in helping my fellow moms, senior friends, and all the single ladies maintain a functional and comfortable home.

Who Loves Handy Mom?

Everyone, of course! But especially clients who don’t want to call a handyman to their home for whatever reason. My experience allows me to come alongside you and figure out what your home needs most. We can work in tandem to tackle those projects, or I can work independently once we’ve formulated a game plan.


Just need an extra hand to get your house back in order? I get that! We can work together to make your home a haven and the antidote to stress rather than the cause of it.


Can’t quite climb a ladder to replace that darn lightbulb? Need help changing filters or hanging shelves? No worries! I can take care of those little tasks one at a time.

Single Ladies

Struggling to find a work-life balance? Understandable! Let me partner with you to knock out that pesky to-do list you’ve been ignoring at home.

What Others Are Saying

My clients appreciate my clear communication, professional service, and gentle approach. See for yourself!

More About Handy Mom

I am currently accepting new clients and ready to serve Lebanon and Boone County. Instead of hunting for a handyman, try Handy Mom!

What I Offer

Interior, exterior, bigger and smaller, check out a list of services and project ideas here.

Ready to Meet?

If you’re ready to let me love on your home, contact me today to discuss your needs.